PDF4me Mobile App

Transform your mobile device into a portable document scanner with the PDF4me Scan & Automate App. Create PDFs right out of your document images captured.

Is PDF4me Scan & Automation Mobile App free?

Yes, you can use PDF4me Scan & Automation for free for all basic features. For premium features like OCR, Compress, and all you should be a PDF4me Pro user.

What are the free Scan features in the app?

You can scan multiple pages and create a document with it. Organize your documents on your local device with a proper Folder structure. Edit and reorder Pages in your documents as needed. Or, extend a scanned document with additional scans.

How to Sign Up and get Pro benefits in PDF4me Mobile App?

To unlock all premium features and Pro benefits, start a subsciption with the PDF4me Web App with the same credentials you use in your PDF4me Scan & Automation. Enjoy the Pro benefits on your mobile App if you are already a subscriber of our PDF4me Web by registering with the existing credentials on the mobile app.

I’m already PDF4me User, can I use also PDF4me Scan & Automation?

Yes, Of course! All you need is to download the PDF4me Scan & Automation from the Google Playstore and login with your PDF4me Web App credentials.

Where are my documents stored in PDF4me Scan & Automation app?

By default, the documents are stored in the storage area of your mobile. For additional features like OCR, compression, etc the document will be sent to the PDF4me online Service to use the features.

I would like to give feedback

We are happy for any feedback, please drop us your feedback. You can also request additional features for the PDF4me Scan & Automation using the Improve PDF4me page.

Can I use PDF4me Web for additional PDF4me Features?

Yes, we will include this feature soon, so you can start a document scan on your mobile and continue editing this document on our Web App.

Do you intend to integrate with other Cloud Storage?

Yes, this is on our Roadmap and we will soon provide such possibilities.
Your feedback counts

PDF4me is a constantly evolving document management tool. Our mission is to discover the best ways to improve PDF4me and add new features to help our consumers. We would love to collaborate with you all in this mission.

Help us to improve PDF4me