Text Stamp
Connector ID: TextStamp
Text stamping is a method adopted to establish authorization and prevention of information piracy. In PDF4me, this is possible, with horizontal or vertical alignment based on the need of the user.

- Align XEnum, Required
Horizontal alignment of text stamp. The allowed values are
- Left - left edge of the page
- Center - equal distance from left and right edge of the page
- Right - right edge of the page
- Align YEnum, Required
Vertical alignment of text stamp. The allowed values are
- Top - top edge of the page
- Middle - equal distance from top and bottom edge of the page
- Bottom - bottom edge of the page
- File NameString, Required
Source file name with proper file extension
- File ContentBase64, Required
Map source PDF file content from the previous action
- PagesString, Required
Pages where watermark/stamp need to be applied. Possible values are including numbers ( 1,2,3 etc) or text (first, last and all).
- TextString, Required
Text to be stamped
- File ContentBinary
Output file content from PDF4me action
- File NameString
Output file name from PDF4me action