Create SwissQR Bill
The Swiss QR-bill is the new digital standard defined for payments in Switzerland. From June 2020 the bills can be created with a Swiss QR code to accelerate digital payment transactions. Create Swiss QR Bills using all compliance standards using this action.

- AmountString, Required
The amount needs to be entered without leading zeroes
- AV1 Parametersstring, Required
Alternative scheme parameter
- AV2 ParameterString, Required
Alternative scheme parameter
- BillingInfoString, Required
Billing info of the customer
- Creditor AddressTypeEnum, Required
Type of the Creditor’s address
- Creditor CityString, Required
The Creditor’s Town/City with max 35 characters
- Creditor NameString, Required
The Creditor’s name or company according to the account name
- Creditor PostalCodeString, Required
The Creditor’s postal code with a max of 16 characters
- Creditor AddressLine1String, Required
The creditor’s address line with max 70 characters
- Creditor AddressLine2String
The creditor’s address line - For S type 16 characters and for K type 70 characters
- CurrencyEnum, Required
Currency type
- File NameString, Required
Input file name from the source
- IBANString, Required
IBAN or IBAN of the creditor
- Language TypeEnum, Required
Bill language type
- ReferenceString, Required
Reference, maximum 27 characters
- Reference TypeEnum, Required
Reference Type
- Seperator LineEnum, Required
Separator in QR Bill
- Ultimate Debtor AddressTypeEnum, Required
Debtor’s address type
- Ultimate Debtor CityString, Required
Debtor’s Town/City
- Ultimate Debtor NameString, Required
Debtor’s name or company according to account name
- Ultimate Debtor PostalCodeString, Required
Debtor’s postal code
- Ultimate Debtor AddressLine1, Required
Debtor’s address line with max 70 characters
- Ultimate Debtor AddressLine2String, Required
Debtor’s address line - For S type 16 characters and for K type 70 characters
- Unstructured MessageString, Required
Unstructured Message, maximum 140 characters permitted
- File ContentBase64, Required
Map source PDF file content from the previous action
- File ContentBinary
File content of the QR Bill PDF
- File NameString
The file name of the QR bill document