Split PDF
Splits a PDF into smaller pdf files based on the contents or pages. This definitely can aid the workflow creators in Zapier to use it while sharing information or pieces of data in smaller chunks
- FileFile, Required
PDF file to be split. The file uploaded should always be PDF. A url containing file can also be passed as parameter.
- File NameString
You can specify file name. Otherwise name will be picked from File field.
- Split TypeOption
Specify whether the document should be split into two or split recurringly. Allowed values are
- Simple Split
- Recurring Split
When using Simple Split, the response will have two files. When using Recurring Split, the output file will be a single zip file containing multiple documents based on split page number
- Page NumberNumber, Required
Split document after page number.
- FileUrl
First PDF file of the split, in case of simple split. In case of recurring split, it will be a zip file
- File NameString
File name of the file in File field without extension
- Full File NameString
File name of the file in File field with extension
- File ExtensionString
File extension
- File2Url
Second PDF from the split. In case of recurring split, this field will not be available.
- File Name2String
File name of the file in File2 without extension. In case of recurring split, this field will not be available.
- Full File Name2String
File name of the file in File2 field with extension. In case of recurring split, this field will not be available.
- File Extension2
File extension of the file in File2 field. In case of recurring split, this field will not be available.