Rotate all Pages of a PDF

Like the rotate feature for a single page, it is also possible to rotate all pages of a PDF document. The pages can be rotated in three directions clockwise (90°), upside down (180°) and counter clockwise (270°) using this feature of PDF4me


FileFile, Required

PDF File to be rotated. The file uploaded should always be PDF. A url containing file can also be passed as parameter.

File NameString

You can specify file name. Otherwise name will be picked from File field.

Rotate DirectionOption, Required

Rotate direction for pages. The allowed values are

  • No Rotation (0°)
  • Clockwise (90°)
  • Upside Down (180°)
  • Counter Clockwise (270°)



File containing rotated pages

File NameString

File name of the rotated PDF without extension

Full File NameString

File name of the rotated PDF with extension

File ExtensionString

File extension