Rotate a single Page in PDF
A page might want to be oriented in a different direction for certain purposes like, for a better placement of contents and layout. You can rotate a selected page in a PDF document using this feature of PDF4me at ease.
- FileFile, Required
PDF file to be rotated. The file uploaded should always be PDF. A url containing file can also be passed as parameter.
- File NameString
You can specify file name. Otherwise name will be picked from File field.
- Page NumberNumber, Required
Page to be rotated. A single number is allowed.
- Rotate DirectionOption, Required
Rotate direction for pages. The allowed values are
- No Rotation (0°)
- Clockwise (90°)
- Upside Down (180°)
- Counter Clockwise (270°)
- FileUrl
File containing rotated page PDF
- File NameString
File name of the rotated page PDF without extension
- Full File NameString
File name of the rotated page PDF with extension
- File ExtensionString
File extension