Scan and Archive documents with PDF4me Workflows
PDF4me Workflows is your one-stop automation solution for your document tasks. We have implemented triggers for most common cloud storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox. This empowers users to automate their documents tasks like any other popular no-code platform without the burden of heavy cost. PDF4me’s in-house document automation service provides greater control over the document jobs at a negligible cost compared to its competitors.
We all have important documents that need to be saved and preserved for future use. Physical documents will always have a risk of getting lost due to various factors. This is where document scanning is important. Digitizing your documents and creating quality scans now be created by just using the camera of your mobile phone. One great option to do so is the PDF4me mobile scanning app. The PDF4me Scan and Automation app is a great way to scan your physical documents and convert them to PDF documents with details or text that can be searched or copied.

Let’s look at a scenario where we can create Scans of documents, save them to Dropbox, automatically trigger them to be processed with high-quality OCR, even save them back to the cloud storage as password protected or PDF/A PDF files.
Create document scans
Document scans can be created using your mobile device by just taking a clear picture of your document with a phone camera or creating proper scans with the help of apps like PDF4me Sca & Automation. With the PDF4me Scan app, you can also directly upload the scans to Dropbox or Google Drive.
Add a PDF4me Dropbox Trigger
Create a PDF4me Dropbox connection and add a trigger to watch for files in a specified folder. Map the folder location properly.

Add PDF4me PDF OCR action (if required)
Add a PDF OCR action if you want to convert your scanned PDF into a searchable PDF with copiable text.

Add PDF/A action (if required)
You can convert scanned document files into PDFA standard-compliant files for better archiving.

Add Protect PDF action
If you want to secure the PDF files add a password to your processed PDFs before saving them. Thereby, securing your PDF files from any external tampering.

Finally, add Save to Dropbox action
As the last step of the workflow, add a Save to Dropbox action to set the target folder for your processed files in Dropbox.

With a PDF4me Subscription, you will be able to run document automation without breaking and save valuable time for your most important business processes. Also, you will have unlimited access to tools online and save money on expensive third-party automation platforms.