Split By Barcode
Splitting documents using Barcodes and QR codes. Split by Barcode feature recognizes many types of Barcodes and all of them can be used in different ways to split documents.
Header Parameters
- Accept-EncodingString
gzip, deflate, br (OPTIONAL)
- Content-TypeString
multipart/form-data; boundary= (calculated when request is sent)
- X-RapidAPI-KeyString, Required
Provide your RapidAPI-Key
- X-RapidAPI-HostString, Required
Required Parameters
- barcodeFilterENUM, Required
Allowed values are
- startsWith
- endsWith
- contains
- exact
- barcodeTypeENUM, Required
Allowed values are
- any
- datamatrix
- qrcode
- splitBarcodePageENUM, Required
Allowed values are
- before
- after
- remove
- barcodeStringString, Required
barcode String is required
Request body
- FileBINARY, Required
Input file for split
- Splitted DocsList
List of Splitted Documents contains file data and file name