Add image watermark or stamp to PDF files using Power Automate
When it comes to work or business, there might be hundreds of documents where we want to add a watermark or image stamp. We may want to add dates, validations, images, or logos to documents. You may even wish to validate invoices as paid or documents as draft, copy, approved, confidential, and so on. Let’s look at a use-case how we can automate adding an image watermark using Power Automate.
Use Case:
Add an image as a watermark over PDF pages using PDF4me image watermark action. Set watermark on document pages and align according to your need.

The PDF files uploaded to a selected OneDrive folder location will be added with an image watermark with a PDF document and uploaded to a different OneDrive location.

A sample completed Power Automate Flow will look like below

How to add a watermark with Power Automate?
Step 1: Trigger Execution
Power Automate has multiple types of triggers to start your workflow. It can be scheduled to run at regular intervals. In this use case, we trigger workflow when a file is created in the OneDrive folder location.
Folder - Choose the folder location where PDF documents will be dropped for the Image watermark.

Step 2: Choose PDF4me Connector and Add Image Watermark Action
Click on New Step after completing the Trigger part. A window will be prompted with many app suggestions where you have to search for PDF4me and select PDF4me Connect. Then PDF4me provided actions will be listed just like below, now choose Image watermark action from the list.
Step 3: Map input fields with Add Image Watermark action

Align Horizontal - Horizontal alignment of the image. The allowed values are
Left - left edge of the page
Center - equal distance from left and right edge of the page
Right - right edge of the page
Align Vertical - Vertical alignment of the image. The allowed values are
Top - the top edge of the page
Middle - equal distance from the top and bottom edge of the page
Bottom - the bottom edge of the page
PDF File Content - Input file content from source action
PDF File Name - Source file name with proper file extension
Image File Content - Image file content from source action
Image File Name - Image file name from source action
Margin Horizontal in mm - Horizontal margin in millimeters (mm). The default value is 0. If horizontal alignment is Left, it will give a gap from the left edge of the page. If Right, it will give a gap from the right edge of the page. If Center, this field is ignored.
Margin Vertical in mm - Vertical margin in millimeters (mm). The default value is 0. If vertical alignment is Top, it will give a gap from the top edge of the page. If Bottom, it will give a gap from the bottom edge of the page. If Middle, this field is ignored.
Opacity - Give numbers between 0 to 100. 0 is completely transparent. 100 for complete visible.
Pages - Pages where the image needs to be added. Possible values are including numbers ( 1,2,3 etc.) or text (first, last, and all).
Height in mm - Image height in millimeters (mm). If 0, default height or aspect ratio sized height will be taken.
Width in mm - Image width in millimeters (mm). If 0, default width or aspect ratio sized width will be taken.
Step 4: Save Watermark added the PDF file to the OneDrive location
This is a final step to save converted output files to the OneDrive folder location.

Folder Path – Choose the folder location where the Output document is to be saved.
File Name – Output file name from the PDF4me action.
File Content – Output file content from the PDF4me action.
Get started with Image Watermarks:
To get you started quickly, we have some templates already prepared for you.
Add Image Watermark to PDF in OneDrive
Add Image Watermark to PDF in Sharepoint
Add Image Watermark to PDF in OneDrive Business