Pricing & Subscription

Clear your doubts about PDF4me Pricing and Subscriptions

How can I change my payment method?

You can change your Payment method from the payment section on your Account page. You can add additional payment methods as a backup.

What kind of payment methods do you support?

You would be required to add a payment method for starting a PDF4me free trial. PDF4me accepts all International Debit or Credit cards(except American Express and JCB). Also, you can use your PayPal account to start a Free Trial with us.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can access all your account-related information on your PDF4me Account page. You can Cancel or Re-activate your Subscription from your Account page itself.

Is there any expiry date to redeem the points?

There is no expiry date for redeeming the points.

Where do I check my loyalty points history and balance ?

The history of the points earned for every transaction and the available balances can be viewed in the rewards redemption history page. <<Redemption history>>

Why OCR not available in Basic Plan?

We implement a high-end OCR engine and is one of the premium features in the PDF4me Suite. Access to OCR is available only to the Pro users.
Your feedback counts

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